Arafudo Art Annual 2014!

Festival of Art, Tsuchiyu Onsen, FUKUSHIMA

Shun Sasa

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Shun Sasa

He was born in Miyagi in 1986. He lives in Tokyo. He uses sound, construction, texts and video to create complex of fiction and reality with multitiered representation.
“No Man’s Land” (French Embassy, Tokyo, 2009) ; “Daegu Photo Biennale 2012 Dance on a Thin Line” (Daegu artistic development plant, South Korea, 2012) ; “MOT Annual 2012″ (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, 2012) ; “Omnilogue Your Voice is Mine” (Museums – National University of Singapore); etc

しゃくなげ荘	机とモニター

shakunage Apartment Desk and ‎Monitor